Make EDH Weird Again
Exploring The Furthest Strategies In The Multiverse
Latest EDH Decks
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Make EDH Weird Again
Commander is my favorite format. I remember first hearing about it back in 2012. The concept was incredibly appealing as I had become disimpassioned with grinding out FNM and drafting every week. I had taken up rare drafting as a way to fill out my collection so I could play unique homebrews. A process I still hold to till this day. Back then, those homebrews went over well but weren't near Tier 1. I was trying to make things like Soul Tithe work when my opponents were dropping Thragtusk and Huntmaster of the Fells. I knew I didn't want to play at a PTQ or go pro one day. I was there to have fun and walk away with a couple extra packs in the process. Grinding out a stock deck just because someone else Top 8ed was unappealing. EDH offered an opportunity to use those extra or pet cards I had that weren't up to snuff in standard and cards I had saved in an old shoe box over the years. I started brewing a Bruna Light of Alabaster deck in my head almost immediately. It would play into the unique rule of commander damage and prevent against getting blown out by virtue of sucking auras out of the graveyard even if Bruna died a time or two. It would take 3 years for that deck to actually get made since no one was playing EDH by me at the time. Since then I've gotten to play a considerable amount of commander. Lately, the format is getting pulled in a lot of different directions and its changing noticeably. Decks are getting more powerful, quicker, more consistent, and predictable. With the card pool exploding every month you would expect never to see the same cards or same strategies from the same commanders. Not True. Even the big content creators tend to talk about the same commanders from new sets, play similar strategies, and include the same staples. Meanwhile I was scouring Gatherer for obscure cards to fit unexpected strategies. Rather than complain about that staleness I felt I figured I would share what I was playing and brewing in hopes it might trigger something positive in the community. To encourage people to move away from the tried and true and to get weird. That doesn't mean weak or janky. I like to win, but more-so, to play interesting unique games every time I sit at a new pod.
With all that out of the way, lets get to the good stuff.
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